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« Watching the Church Services

How to watch the sermon video?


  03:39:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 139 words  
Categories: Updates

How to watch the sermon video?

Hey everyone,
I have had many questions about how to watch the sermon videos and questions on why does the video pause several times while watching. The reason is your computer is playing the video faster than your computer can load it. So, to watch the entire video without a pause allow your computer to load the video and how to do that is just keep the video on pause. The line under neath the video with  a white dot will become darkened. When the entire line has become dark that means the video is loaded. Depending on how fast your internet connection is will determine how long the video will take to load. If you have any other questions please contact Pastor or Cody McLean and we will be glad to help you.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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