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Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
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  12:20:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 19 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- March 13, 2022

Will we live in FAITH or FEAR? Jeremiah is an example of putting our trust in the LORD! more »


  01:20:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 25 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- March 6, 2022

Are you facing any Goliaths in your life? Just as David trusted in the Lord for victory, let us put our trust in Jesus! more »


  03:03:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 25 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- February 27, 2022

Today we see a beautiful glimpse of the glory of Jesus! HOW AWESOME!  THANK YOU to WLA CHOIR, Mr. Dale Witte, and Pastor David Haugly! more »


  03:24:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 20 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- February 20, 2022

God has shown us incredible love when He forgave us. He calls on us to love and forgive others. more »


  10:12:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 23 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- February 13, 2022

  Jesus said we are blessed if we are poor, hungry, sad, and hated. How can that be? We'll give you the answer! more »

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