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Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
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  02:11:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 18 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- October 10, 2021

Jesus has blessed us with family and a child-like faith to trust His promises. THANK YOU, JESUS! more »


  09:19:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 25 words  
Categories: Media

Church service- October 3, 2021

So many people are divided these days. Jesus calls on us to be at peace with one another. Our inner peace comes from Jesus. more »


  10:13:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 23 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- September 26, 2021

Do you want to do great things for God. Let's give of ourselves for one another as Jesus gave Himself for us. more »


  07:36:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 22 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- September 19, 2021

Jesus took up His cross, suffered and died for us. He asks us to take up our cross and follow Him. more »


  07:39:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 29 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- September 12, 2021

God has some very important stuff He wants to tell us about how He wants us to live and what He had done for us. Let's listen to Him. more »

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