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Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
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  04:57:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 10 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- August 1, 2021

God made us Holy. Let's live what we are! more »


  12:03:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 18 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- July 25, 2021

Jesus took our sins to make us right with God. He asks us to share the news. more »


  09:52:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 15 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- July 18, 2021

Life can be hard. Jesus gives us strength to run the race of life. more »


  10:43:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 18 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- July 11, 2021

Jesus gives us pastors to teach us His Word so we can share His word with others. more »


  09:59:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 28 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- HAPPY 4TH OF JULY

Sometimes the Lord allows suffering to come into our lives. When that happens, He reminds us of His love and His mercies that are new every morning. more »

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