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Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
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  01:26:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 1 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- June 27, 2021


  08:23:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 26 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- June 20, 2021

Just as God causes plants and trees to grow, so He causes His church and our faith to grow through the power of His Word. more »


  09:45:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 30 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- June 13, 2021

When sin came into the world, everything changed. Our world and our lives were wrecked. But God sent his Son to be our CHAMPION and crush sin for US! more »


  01:48:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 22 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- June 6, 2021

When we are burdened and weary with life and our sins, Jesus gives us rest for our souls in his word. more »


  05:39:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 28 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- May 30, 2021

The thinking of our Triune God are so far above our thinking, and His love is so amazing! Would we really want a God we could understand? more »

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