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Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
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  07:40:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 11 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- March 10, 2024

If God is always good, why is my life sometimes bad? more »


  09:12:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 20 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- March 3, 2024

The message of the cross is foolishness to the world, BUT TO US IT IS THE POWER OF GOD!!!!! more »
  09:10:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 14 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- February 25, 2024

We carry our crosses for Jesus because He carried His cross for us!!!! more »


  09:59:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 22 words  
Categories: Media

Church Service- February 18, 2024

How could God ask Abraham to give up his son? How can God ask us to give up the things He does? more »


  03:14:00 pm, by Pastor Plagenz   , 15 words  
Categories: Media

ASH WEDNESDAY- February 14, 2024

When we are tempted to accuse God, let's remember He was accused for us! more »

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