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Julu 28, 2024


  10:04:00 am, by Pastor Plagenz   , 379 words  
Categories: Updates

Julu 28, 2024


There will be a farewell for Pastor and Pam after the Manchester service today outside under the tents.  We’ll be having brats and burgers.  Everyone is invited.  Pastor and Pam would like to thank the Church Council and anyone else who had anything to do with arranging this party!

Our thanks to Jason Drews, Gale & Jordan Jahnke, and Ben & Jeff Quade for building the new deck on the parsonage.  Thanks also to Jason Drews and Gale Jahnke for tearing off the old deck.

In case you would like to stay in touch, and we’d like that very much, our new address is 5317 Buttke Lane, Omro, WI, 54963

Pastor Philip Schupmann will be serving our congregation for the next month until Pastor Drake is installed.  If you need a pastor, you can call him at (630) 269-1333.  A huge thank you to him for all he will do for us!

We are looking for volunteers to help with moving Pastor Drake and his family to Manchester on August 10th.  If you can help, there is a sign-up sheet in the entry.  Thanks!

Pastor Jeffery Drake will be installed in both of our congregations.  On Sunday, August 25th, there will be a Service of Installation in Manchester at 3:00 p.m.  Pastor Nick Haasch from Peace in Green Lake will be the preacher for the service.  Following that service, all are invited to a meal in the church basement hosted by the Ladies Aid.  If you plan on attending the meal, you can help the ladies by signing up in the entry.  Then on September 1st, the Rite of Installation will be included at the beginning of the regular morning service in Marquette. 

The Manchester 150th anniversary booklet is ready for the printer!  A huge thank you to Belinda Fox and Michaela Boelter for spending many hours on this project!  If you would like a sneak-peek, you can use the link below.


The Area WELS Potluck will be Tuesday, August 13th, at noon at Friedens in Randolph.  Erin Railsback serves as Visitor Services Specialist at the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge.  She will give a presentation on the Horicon Marsh.  All are welcome to join us!  

The Marquette church is thankful for a gift of $75 given in memory of Anne Boelter from her family.


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